Law of Attraction ~ Wish Lists

Archana Mahtani

🌟 Vibrational Healing

🌟 Law of Attraction

🌟 Attracting Opportunities vs lower energies

🌟 Making Wish Lists



Since the past week thoughts in my mind, guided to share.... Very so often we hear

Stay in your light

Stay on a higher vibration

Be the light

Focus on something you love to do

Will enhance your ability to make wishes come true !

What does it really mean and how does it all add up ...

Vibrational healing, making the shift for our problems to go away, or raising your vibration to attract opportunities you so desire and the Law of Attraction !

Is there an explanation and how does it work?

We are Vibrational beings, our feelings vibrate at a particular frequency into the Universe.

Many correlate this to their ‘thoughts’ & keeping them positive uplifted, however your ‘feelings’ actually vibrate much more quickly before your mind can even process your thoughts. So the question is how do you feel at this moment?

Your emotions that radiate from you make you resonate or vibrate at a particular frequency, and everyone who has the same vibrational frequency comes together sharing experiences and opportunities. What matches your vibration is then drawn towards you, hence the concept of Law Of Attraction.

You simply attract what you feel. Each vibration is on a different frequency so by chance if you are not feeling your best, turn it around... make a shift, change the way you feel and sure enough the changed vibrations will attract better experiences and opportunities for you.

To raise your vibration simply do something you like to create the ‘feel good’ & excitement in your life.

Even if its for 5mins play some music, dance, go for a walk, an act of kindness, make something, watch something funny, exercise, meet a friend, anything to distract you long enough to change your mood. Prayers affirmations spiritual practises, healing work, remedies also work on the path of lifting your vibrations and Vibrational Healing. You might think this is a temporary solution but it is good enough to make a shift in your path.

“When you are on a higher vibrational level low level energies do not touch us”

Specially these days so important to stay in your light.

And by keeping our feelings happy, content, loving we further attract more of that into our lives. But now lets be realistic , we are humans !! It is not possible to be happy all the time. Ups and down are a part of our lives, a learning process. But what if during our low cycle we can intentionally make a change.... create the ‘feel good’ within and raise your vibration and change your path for an immediate affect. When each of us are on a higher vibrational level as a collective consciousness we raise the vibration of our neighbouring areas, enviroment and our planet.

FEEL More loving energy around us.

Stay on a higher vibration

Stay in your light

Focus on something you love

When something is amiss, change your focus

Send out loving vibrations

Connect with those on your Vibrational level

It is interesting to mention here you might meet those who can help you progress in life who you are looking for and they are looking for you too. People on different vibration than yours would move away as they connect with those similar to their needs. Hence everyone in your life has a purpose and is there for a reason as you are in theirs.

So is it possible to focus on a desire or wish to make it happen. Yes, this is how we send out messages to the Universe, visualise or create a WISH list ...

Wish List guidance steps

1. Know what you want. Many a times we focus so much on what we don’t want that we actually send those messages across and attract exactly what we don’t want. Lets change this pattern .

2. Write down your wish/s as of now, not for later in life but as of today what do u want to manifest right here, right now?

Write it is past tense as if its already happened, visualise and feel the joy the excitement of this wish come true. This energy gets transmitted and acts as a catalyst. Happier you feel thinking about your wish, the better it is. Yes, it can be written as a letter to God/ Angels. End it with the words “May it be thy will of the Lord and much more”

3. You have sealed your wish list with your positive emotions now, Trust and let go. Let’s not overthink or plan how is it going to happen but leave that to the universe. Once the list is made you may keep it in a safe place.

4. Be Patient, it may take time as the universe starts coordinating for your needs. Making you and others meet in a magical way...that’s destiny !

5. Be grateful and thankful. Make a gratitude list or box or say a thank you prayer every time a wish comes true.

6. Yes, updating your wishes making new ones is absolutely fine.

Focus on what we want rather than react to what we don’t want.

Sow the seeds of manifestation

Nourish it with your love and happiness.

Love has the strongest healing vibration. Use it well.

Make your dreams a reality

Make a life you desire to live

Trust it will happen when you are ready

As long as you hope, visualise your wishes you continue to sow the seeds of manifestation.


Has this ever happened when you suddenly realised... I wished for this years ago and its happening now, or I was looking for this ages ago ... Deja-vu!

You have the power to change you situation and maifest. With every wish you make, you send a little hope into the universe.

Archana x

16th March, 2020

“The universe aligns you with people, things & situations that matches your energy & your vibrations that you put out.

The more you uplift yourself and raise your vibration, the more you will experience things beneficial to your wellbeing”


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